It is very obviously true that there is a virus or a virus family called the coronavirus. Certainly, it is highly contagious. It can also cause infections. It can sometimes cause death. But is this virus that much scary? Are there not any other deadly pathogens than this? Never before have there been virus attacks in India or in the world?
Dengue fever has claimed many lives.
Swine Flu has claimed many lives.
The deadly Spanish flu and yellow fever still exist today and are continuously killing people.
But why so many restrictions only on this coronavirus?
Today the world body (WHO) is throwing it off as a hero. That too especially in India it is respected as a V.I.P. The sixth sense of every sensible people was astounding when the prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi told the people to stand on the balconies and light the lamps, ring the bells, and clap hands exactly at 9.09 p.m.
It is well remembered that this was the first scene starring in the opening stages of the March 2020 corona play. Those who are sensible at that time immediately sensed the foul smell of that play. That this was the beginning of the well-designed Corona Drama written by the Illuminati Pharmaceutical Mafia.
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It is doubtful whether the W.H.O. is also hiding as a theatrical character within this event. Look at the name they have given to this disease like the title given at the 2019 World Beauty Contest -COVID-19. Has any disease in the world ever had such a miraculous name?
Then what is going on behind the scenes?
One thing is for sure. These pharmaceutical mafias gamble on the health of the people. COVID-19 is the name of the game they have chosen for this to fulfill their ever-last money thirsty. The first wave, second wave, and third wave...and go on without any end.
Is there any cure for this? Any treatment for this? The truth is up to date there is no exact cure and no exact treatment in allopathy pharmacology. All are trial and error treatments. There is no guarantee that the patient will survive at the end of the treatment, for which nothing is certain. But the price of the treatment alone is worth several lakhs.
Some countries such as Tanzania claim that they have totally eradicated the COVID-19 virus by their natural remedies.
Tanzania is not an advanced country in terms of medicine or economy when compared with India. But they say we have eradicated this disease.
There are no face masks. No lockdown. There are no conflicts in the hospitals and no corpses are piled up there.
Because they do not fall into the trap of drug manufacturing giants. The rulers there are honest and love their people. They are not business associates of pharmaceutical companies like our rulers. Tanzania solved the COVID-19 conflicts with natural remedies.
But here's what's going on. In the beginning, the Doctor's highlighted chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, followed by hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin to treat COVID-19. People relied on it like buffaloes. They bought these at home and piled them up. Good business for pharmacies. Then another doctor said dexamethasone could be used as a much cheaper drug to relieve the mucus obstruction in the trachea. All of these were once in short supply and stock depletion and those who suffered from malaria could not have access to their medication. Doctors today do not recommend these for COVID-19. Because all these did not give the expected result for it. So trial and error methods of treatments. At the same time, these drugs caused serious side effects, and the victims are numerous. Some even died. But their makers sold off all their old staled stocks by this blunder.
Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin are antibiotics. As a general medical concept, antibiotics should not be given to viral infections. Also, corticosteroids should not be freely used in any infectious disease. But the doctors recommended these drugs without any basis. Why? It is because of the greed of these doctors that the bribes of the pharmaceutical companies have gone up.
Now they are highlighting Remdesivir. It is based on the fact that it is a life-saving drug, but there is no clear explanation.
Remdesivir is manufactured by the U.S. Drug giant GILEAD SCIENCE. It is an antiviral drug. That's all right but will this totally eliminate the COVID-19 virus? Did it completely kill the corona? The bitter answer is no.
This drug was originally made for Ebolavirus. But it did not work for Ebola. Now the drug stocks are piled up in abundance in the GLEAD warehouses with no way to release them. They have now redirected them to Corona.
In 2020 American FDA granted a EUA (Emergency Use of Authentication) to this drug. But it is a different story that they had previously given permission for such emergency use of drugs such as chloroquine and got stabbed in their head.
This drug does not provide complete relief for the COVID-19.
The E.U.A stated that this drug should be given only to patients suffering from severe airway block in the Intensive Care.
This is because it reduces the number of hospital stays by two to three days. Reduces the severity of mucus a little. Gives a 31% benefit overall. Viral and epidemiologist in the U.S. Dr.Fauci says.
The University of Chicago Medical School says the drug is currently being studied and should not be considered a complete cure.
Gilead reports that by the end of April '21 people with severe COVID-19 disease will be tested. Gilead notes that the full study of this drug will be available in May '21.
The truth is there is currently no officially approved drug for COVID-19 in Allopathy Pharmacology.
So do not fall prey like sheep flocks without proper understanding of anything. The only benefit is your money and material are wasted.
The real benefit has gone in favor of Remdesivir and its maker.
The price of Remdesivir is approaching the price of gold in the black market. The stock market value of its manufacturing company has gone up by 25%.
This is like the story of the crow and fox. Anyhow the fox extorted the vada from the crow by trickery.
The crow went in vain.
What to do and don't do?
.Do not panic if you feel a COVID-19 symptom.
.Isolate yourself and stay at the home.
.Have steam inhaling at least six times a day. Do not use an inhaler machine. Use a household bowl to boil the water and inhale the steam.
.Crush the ginger and rub it on the head for headaches.
.If you have a fever you can mix honey and pepper powder in ginger juice.
.Only if there are comorbidities like diabetes, B.P, and heart diseases, then go to a good doctor.
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